Education Empowerment

Our Commitment to Education

We prioritise investment in education as a crucial foundation for a brighter future. Our goal is to provide access to quality education for children from impoverished families through scholarships, educational resources, and support.

This aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4, which aims to achieve inclusive and high-quality education globally by 2030.

The Gap

Despite increased school enrolment in Uganda over the past two decades due to free universal education, mere attendance has not guaranteed effective learning. The Universal Government Primary and Secondary Education initiative lacks the quality available to the wealthy, due to disparities in resource allocation.

Children from poor families still face numerous challenges that force them to drop out of school. The primary school dropout rate is 45%, and the secondary school dropout rate is 30%, with a gender disparity favouring boys.

School dropouts often face unemployment and poverty, perpetuating a cycle of hardship. Socio-economic factors frequently push girls into domestic roles and early marriage, while boys work to support their families.

In 2021, 40% of children aged 5-17 in Uganda were engaged in child labour, while others resorted to street begging.

The Nebo Project exists to bridge this gap by providing these children with a different path towards a better future.

Education Levels for Children in Uganda

  • Nursery Education (3 years)
  • Primary Education (7 years)
  • Secondary Education (6 years)
  • Tertiary/Vocational Education (3+ years)